Dry Rough Hands
Winter can be the worst time for dry rough hands. The cold weather seems to just leach out the moisture from the skin. If there is not a good way to re-hydrate the cells, then the skin can become rough and dry. This can be very painful and once the skin is cracked it is more difficult to heal than prevent from happening. The best thing is to keep the skin hydrated to begin with. Drink extra water. Some will say keep the fluids high but it is important to drink just plain water not coffee, tea, soft drinks or juices. These latter are treated as food by the digestive system and you don’t get the same benifits. And many liquids such as soda or pop, coffee and alcohol actually dehydrate the body and make the skin worse.
It is also important to get the skin to hydrate directly. The honey in Thentix has the characteristic of absorbing and retaining moisture. Ideally, you would put it on a rough hand before going out into the cold. This will help protect the skin. The Thentix is not coating the skin but once it is absorbed into the skin cells it draws moisture in and retains it within the cells so that they are healthier.
A lot of guys in construction with rough hands love Thentix as is has no fragrance and is not greasy. I have mechanics, dry wallers, farmers, carpenters and plumbers. All of these are in trades or doing something that dries the hands and makes them rough.
Many skin lotions are loaded with petroleum products which are not good for the skin (or any other part of the body for that matter) and are greasy. These other products sit on the surface of the skin and clog the pores.