Use Thentix for your animals:
If dogs get flea bites, they will often scratch until they bleed. Apply some Thentix lotion to the area and it will stop the itching. This allows the skin to heal. The Calendula and Chamomile were included in Thentix for the itching and inflammation of Psoriasis and Eczema. Works wonders. You don't have to worry about your dog licking it as it is completely non-toxic and anyway, it soaks in almost immediately! You can use it the same way for cats.
Horses, Alpacas and even dogs can get sunburned noses. Lighter coloured horses can get sunburned foreheads and ears. Apply some Thentix to these areas to relieve any pain and irritation of the burn. There are no perfumes or other irritants so you can use is around the animals eyes safely. If you are apply on their noses, there are no perfumes to irritate.
Cuts, Scrapes, Bites...
I often work at the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto. Demonstrating Thentix to the people there that bring their animals to show and sell. Although many farmers buy it for their own hands and faces as they usually work outside even in the cold and wet - it keeps their hands from cracking and drying out, over the years, I've persuaded many of these people to use on their animals. Many horse people will use straight honey on cuts and scrapes and bites for their horses. I have two vets at the Royal Winter Fair that have told me that they advise their horse owners to use Thentix instead as it is equally as healing but won't attract flies like the honey does.
If your dog gets cracked paws/pads in the winter from the cold - or anytime really - put some Thentix on the cracks/sores. Thentix has anti-bacterial and antiseptic properties so you can put it on open sores. Again if the dog tries to lick it off, the Thentix has already soaked in so that is not a problem. The lotion will calm any irritation of the skin so they will worry it less as well.
Mud Fever on your Horses:
"Mud fever refers to a wide range of equine skin reactions, primary caused by an infectious agent called dermatophilus congolensis, which thrives in muddy wet conditions. Properly referred to as pastern dermatitis, mud fever is also frequently called “greasy heels” or “cracked heels” and is frustratingly common in wet weather.
The infection can stay dormant in skin, becoming active when the skin is compromised, usually by prolonged wetting. Spores germinate and produce hyphae (threadlike tentacles) that penetrate into the skin and spread in all directions from the original site. This cases an acute inflammatory reaction."
- From Horse and Hound
Thentix will get rid of Mud Fever. Apply to the area 2-3 times a day to get rid of it. As with people skin issues, it can take varying amounts of time. I advise people with psoriasis and eczema, that once their skin is under control to put Thentix on once a day or a few times a week for maintenance. If their problem is seasonal, apply at the time of year that it flares up. Same for your horses. You may want to apply a bit more when the season it wet.
#horses #mudfever #animals