Abrasions and Scratch Marks on Skin
Use liberally for various abrasions and scratches.
If the cat scratches you or you just scratch the skin on a branch while gardening use a bit of Thentix on the cut. Honey is bacterial and calendula extract is an anti-septic. These ingredients can help disinfect without damaging ‘live’ skin. Many people use chemical disinfectants or hydrogen peroxide and this latter often is too much and kills live skin cells as well as bacteria. Mild disinfectant ointments can be used but if you have Thentix available it can be quite effective.
For their bumps and scrapes while playing outside. Falling off the bicycle and scratching a knee or elbow, it is completely safe. Even for the face. Apply several times a day for days or until the abrasion is cleared up.
If the scrape or cut is bleeding or is deep, then treat is more seriously; especially if the bleeding will not stop. See a professional.
The honey and calendula in Thentix have amazing healing properties and can help a scratch on skin heal up more quickly and lessen any itching connected.
Thentix helps prevent any scarring as well.
#scratches #cuts #thentix